Let's talk!
Are you looking to plan the perfect
surf vacation to Morocco?

We are happy to provide you with the best surf trips and adventures, awesome accommodation in our own Villa, delicious food from our local chef and much more. Our legendary team will help you to catch your first wave if you are a beginner or guide you on the best spots of Morocco if you are already a world champion. All the team are old local friends, so you will feel like you are staying with a big Moroccan family.


Surf Villa Morocco is situated close to Banana Village in Aourir. It is a 15 min drive from Taghazout in a private, authentic and quiet beautiful mountain area. We have all the famous surf spots around and can easily choose the best waves of the day.
What do we do?
You can join our scheduled surf camps or create a tailored package for you and your friends.
Stay with us anytime! All levels are welcome for lessons and guidings. We will take care of everything you need.
Join a surf week with a group of awesome people just like you!

Let's talk personally on WhatsApp!
Surf Villa Morocco
Project Surf Villa Morocco belongs to
Brahim Iddouch, Moroccan IBC world bodyboard champion.

Brahim and his friends are always happy to share good vibes and good waves with surfers from all over the word.

Gabriel Medina, Billy Campber, Jerome Sanyon, Ramzi Boukhiam and other surf legends are regulary coming over to our Surf Villa to ride the best waves of Morocco together with Brahim and his amazing team.

We invite you to be our guests too!
Some cool things about us
Place of legends
Surf and bodyboard stars from all over the world are coming to our Villa to ride the best waves together with Brahim and our team.
Support Moroccan community
From our income we regularly organise free surf lessons for Moroccan children and those who can't afford it.
Dedicated team
Quality is more important than quantity. We have a limited number of places per season, because we are not a hostel.
And you will be part of the family.
See us on Instagram.
We are reporting everything whats going on during our retreats.
We love our clients and our clients love us!
Check out more our 5.0 rated reviews on Google.
Book your
Surf Trip to Morocco!
We will reach you soon to confirm important details.
Talk and book via WhatsApp
Let's talk immediately!
© 2023 Surf Villa Morocco
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